Previous Episode: 15. The End of An Age

In our most puerile episode to date, Joel reveals that he doesn't know anything about DMC: Devil May Cry, Vick tries to convince us to start playing Candy Crush before it's too late, and Dave apologizes for maligning The Blockheads which as it turns out, is a pretty good game! Oh and Lisa has a blue hat.

This week we examine the topic of in-game Tutorials. Along the way we make reference to Temple Run 2, Zookeeper and Half Life to name a few. We also highly recommend watching Egoraptor's seminal (hurhur) work, Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X.

What do you guys think? Are in-game tutorials really necessary? Can we live without them? Tell us what you think via email or tweet us @StaringScreens. Don't forget, if you get your friends to listen to the podcast and follow us on Twitter, we'll send you something awesome. /InvisibleCarrotDangle


The #Objectify event planned by Leigh Alexander and Ben Abraham…

… and why they (rightly) decided to call it off.

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