On this week's episode, we start salivating over the upcoming free Street Fighter x Mega Man that is free for PC. Did we mention, it's free? In other non-free game news, Joel finally completes Assassins Creed 3 which allows him to get started on Halo 4, and Eric compares Darksiders 2 to Devil May Cry 4 and Torchlight 2 among other things.

In the second segment, Vick rips Fable 3 a new one and we embark on a discussion on what makes or breaks an open world game. Along the way we touch on Skyrim, the GTA games, Red Dead Redemption, Fah Kai Far Cry 2, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 3, Sleeping Dogs, and Fallout 3. So many name-drops! Listeners, you definitely get your money's worth this week. Y'know, I mean you would if this podcast weren't free.

In next week's episode we'll be talking about Art Film Music. Thrilling stuff. Stay tuned!