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A nod to my rewatch of Farscape as we pull the episode "Green Eyed Monster" from the archives.

FarscapeGreen Eyed Monster

In honour of my recent Farscape rewatch (which I enjoyed immensely) I've dipped into the bonus show archives of the Gatecast for this look at the excellent episode "Green Eyed Monster" written by Ben Browder himself.

This episode deals very heavily with the John and Aeryn relationship and is set within the third season with the bulk of the story taking place on board Talyn with Crais as an ever present brooding element. While it can be considered a very shippy episode let's not forget that at this point John has been duplicated, there are literally two of him, one on board Talyn and the other on Moya so there's still plenty of scifi involved not least the living ships that inhabit the Farscape universe. We also get plenty of laughs (to offset the drama) thanks to Stark and Rygel on board the shuttle pod who play chicken with the huge Budong after Talyn has been swallowed and may only reappear as a waste byproduct.

Green Eyed Monster is one of my favourite episodes of Farscape, it’s pretty much a stand alone in the season arc but does become the pivotal point of the relationship between Aeryn and this John who is technically the same John as on board Moya but obviously has his own memories from the point of duplication. Having two Crichtons also means the writers were free to well kill off a major character whenever the mood struck them and as the story progresses here and on Moya that too will complicate the romance within this classic scifi series.

Green Eyed Monster IMDBGreen Eyed Monster Farscape WorldBen BrowderClaudia Black