Previous Episode: Mando S1 E5 MW
Next Episode: Clones S1 Ep 19-22

Matthew is moving, so no new episode this week, but enjoy this Superhero Ethics episode about the Jedi and the Sith

Are the Sith the mustache twirling villains the initially appear to be, or is there a method to their madness? Where did the Jedi go wrong? Are emotions something to be held back, or fully embraced in a space wizard, and how did the Jedi and Sith codes inform each other?

Jacob and Matthew jump into these questions, with the help of friend and fellow Star Wars Nerd Extraordinaire, Jonah Kellman. Jonah cares far too much about Star Wars, particularly the extended universe. When not ranting, he can be found reading, playing video games or delving into worldbuilding. Find him on facebook or around the internet as Muscratt.

Want to continue the discussion with us? Agree or disagree with what we talked about, or want to add your own thoughts? We’ve got options for you!

You can post questions, or respond to our episode threads in our Superhero Ethics Facebook Group, or talk to us on the podcast’s Twitter account, or email us at [email protected]. Each of your co-hosts also has their own twitter,
Matthew is CapedEthicist,
Jacob is BotsRPeopleToo
Here are some of the books and other products we discussed on the show.

Darth Bane- The Story of the creation of the modern Sith, and the Rule of Two.
Darth Plagius - The Sith who trained Emperor Palpatine
Republic Commandos - Stories of clone soldiers
Kenobi - Adventures of Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the years after the fall of the Republic
The Clone Wars- Animated TV show that shows the corruption of the Jedi and the fall of the Republic. Much better than the movies or any of the prequels.

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