In this episode of the Star Wars: TIES Lando Fett & Jay-2S0 reflect and mourn the passing of the late, great Peter Mayhew. In addition, they discuss the end of the Spring of Heroines series and the beginning of the upcoming summer theme: The Summer of Stormtroopers! Mixed in amongst the remembering of Chewie’s original actor and plans for the future is some bantha banter you don’t want to miss! Tune in for more Star Wars talk with two fans of the galaxy far, far, away over glasses of fried porg flavored blue milk!

William Shakespeare's Star Wars can be found here:

William Shakespear’s Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back can be found here:

Peter Mayhew’s Twitter Account (@TheWookieRoars) can be found here:

Peter Mayhew’s Children’s book “My Favorite Giant” can be found here (though it appears to be out of print):

If you are interested in another Star Wars Podcast (please keep listening to us) check out Rebel Force Radio.Their website is here:

Star Wars Insider is a great magazine for fans and has an interview with Peter Mayhew in a recent issue you may still be able to find (issue # 189). More info here:

Be sure to join our Facebook group page at:

Have any feedback for us? We'd be honored to receive your email at: [email protected]!
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Special thanks to Laurent Bernadac & 3Dvarius for allowing us to use their amazing cover for our intro and outro music entitled, "Star Wars Cover - Star Wars Main Theme & The Imperial March." Be sure to check out their amazing cover at: and their main website at:

Another special thanks goes our friend and fellow Retro Junkie, William Culver, for our Star Wars: TIES logo for our Facebook group page. If you're an arcade enthusiast, be sure to check out his main page at:

And yet another thank you goes out to Beejay Hawn for drawing our podcast logo. For more artwork from out of this world, check out her art and commission page at:

The Walt Disney Co. and Lucasfilm LTD. own all rights to Star Wars and the Star Wars franchise. Thank you to both companies for providing material for us to be fans of and share about on this podcast.

May the Force be with you, always.

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