Audio Remastered!

This week David and James discuss the new Solo merchandise that has come out as well as the Solo film itself.

Also The rumors of the Star Wars Celebration 2019

Other Star Wars stuff includes:

Star Wars Celebration 2017

Star Wars fans being the best ever.

The amazing 501st.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

The future of the franchises and who should direct movies.

Also a surprise phone call from a brother.

Thank you so much for listening, please subscribe, like and share. And as always…. MTFBWY!!


Audio Remastered!

This week David and James discuss the new Solo merchandise that has come out as well as the Solo film itself.

Also The rumors of the Star Wars Celebration 2019

Other Star Wars stuff includes:

Star Wars Celebration 2017

Star Wars fans being the best ever.

The amazing 501st.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

The future of the franchises and who should direct movies.

Also a surprise phone call from a brother.

Thank you so much for listening, please subscribe, like and share. And as always…. MTFBWY!!