In the ninth episode of Season 3 of Star Wars: In a Galaxy, Eli and Jacob cover from the 60:00 to the end of Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003). Among their discussion:

- General Grievous acting like a horror villain.

- The Massacre on Hypori

- An analysis of the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship and where it went wrong.

- Anakin Skywalker eating bugs

- Nelvaan, and tattoo leeches

- Similarities to the Bad Batch arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2020)

- Metaphorical symbolism on Nelvaan

- The Battle of Coruscant (19 BBY)

- "Ithorian and Snowman"

- Tie-ins to Revenge of the Sith (2005)

- One Quarter Portion Segment 8 – It's a Long Story (September 2020)

- Star Wars: Rebels!  

Darth Vader's Original Voice (referenced in Episode):

Ahch-To Radio (Made a cool callout to us in their most recent episode):

Pink Milk (Took some of our AP Exam):

Yareal Poof (Robot Chicken) (referenced in episode):

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