Gary and Addell discuss Episode Seven, 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad.'

The episode features the return of Harcourt Fenton “Harry” Mudd – the nefarious con artist Captain Lorca left behind on a Klingon prison ship during the fifth episode, “Choose Your Pain.” As you may recall, Mudd makes good on his promise to escape and exact revenge on Lorca for abandoning him. Hiding inside a Gormagander – basically a space whale - and using a time crystal, he to create a 30-minute temporal loop in an effort: to take control of the Discovery, learn how to use its spore drive technology, and deliver the vessel and crew to the Klingons for a handsome profit. Initially, it appears that whenever Mudd resets time, only he retain memories and learn from past experiences in the time loop. Later, we learn that Lt. Stamets is also able to retain his memories of previous events. Mudd remembers because he wears the time crystal and Stamets retains memories because his DNA has bonded with that of the Tardigrade and therefore he is not bound by conventional temporal constraints. Eventually, Lt. Stamets is able to convince Michael Burnham and a few other key officers of the deceit and thwart Mudd’s plan.

Star Trek: Age of Discovery is a fan podcast for the CBS All-Access show STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Email the show at [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter at @StarTrekAoD and on Facebook at Visit our website at where we offer additional articles on Star Trek canon, interesting sidebar issues and aspects of the show.

2017 © Star Trek: Age of Discovery


Produced and edited by Gary Anderson




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