As the newly appointed Captain of the Discovery, Mirror Georgiou is sent on a mission by the remaining Starfleet leadership to end the Federation-Klingon war, once and for all. She uses Stamets to jump the ship inside one of the vast caves of Qo'noS, the Klingon homeworld. Once there, Mirror Georgiou assembles an away team - consisting of Michael Burnham, Ash Tyler, and Cadet Tilly - to join her to supposedly plant a drone that would map critical military targets for the Federation. Burnham suspects there is more to this mission than the mapping exercise and her suspicions are confirmed when Tilly learns Georgiou actually aims to embed and detonate a powerful bomb that will destroy Qo'noS, effectively crippling the Vulcan empire and saving the Federation from annihilation. Outraged that Federation leaders have sanctioned this action, Burnham effectively argues to Admiral Cornwell that the Federation cannot jettison its own moral principles to win the war, even in the face of eradication by the enemy.

After other crewmembers demonstrate their support for Michael’s line of reasoning, the Admiral acquiesces and accepts a different option. Michael retrieves the mega bomb’s detonator from Georgiou and gives it to L’Rell. Burnham and Tyler convince the Klingon that with such a device as leverage, she would be able to convince the feuding houses to unite as one following the teachings of T’Kuvma. The episode ends with the awarding of Starfleet’s medal of honor to Discovery officers and the knowledge Burnham has been pardoned and reinstated as a Starfleet Commander.


Produced and edited by Gary Anderson




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