Still producing Science fiction RPG podcasts ... we just had to take a break as we had to a serious case of real life 

Website Failures

Just as things were going good our website went down! This was a major disappointment as the backups were giving us trouble. After some choice words with our hosting company, we rebuilt the website only to have the website fail a second time. 

Now with a new website and new hosting company the new and improved Star-Fall Actual Play podcast website can be found at 

Having to Move  

There is nothing worse than having to move all of a sudden. We were expecting to be in this house for some time however the landlord decided he wanted to build a housing complex. This means we had to move. Fortunately, we do have a better house it just means the last month has been packing and now the endless unpacking.  

We are still podcasting 

With that said once we have the new studio space up and running, you can expect a lot more science fiction Audio dramas as the new place is better suited for podcasting. 

In the meantime listen to Steamrollers adventure podcast! because their show rocks!