Porter is on vacation this week so we thought we'd sneak in an exclusive interview that he did with T. Boone Pickens at the Dallas Society Conference.

As some of you might already know, T. Boone Pickens is the founder and chairman of BP Capital Management, as well as an oil expert and founder of The Pickens Plan.

Every time he joins Stansberry Radio, our listeners get priceless knowledge from one of the most legendary oil icons that have ever lived.

And today is no exception...

Porter asks T. Boone "Would you be an investor in coal or an investor in uranium? These are two energy commodities that have seen their prices blown out." His answer includes something that a lot of investors forget about.

"Will there be an important decline in the price of oil because of the increasing production coming from the shale fields?"

"What if there is an alternative fuel is introduced that requires more crude oil to produce it?"

"Does OPEC have the influence it used to have and does the Middle East matter anymore?"

T. Boone breaks down the real answers to these questions and so much more...
