This week, David Stockman, former U.S. politician and businessman, joins Stansberry Radio.

Aaron and Porter start the show by discussing several financial headlines... one in particular Porter has been advocating for years... find out why the government is finally realizing this could be great news for America.

Then, David Stockman joins Aaron and Porter to talk about his new book The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, which Porter calls "The very best book I've read on these issues."

Porter says "I don't have to write my book anymore because David Stockman already did." David gives Porter the best compliment of his life.

David tells Porter that one of the things he did to research this book was "to read a lot of your (Porter's) commentary from day to day so maybe on some of the ideas, two minds were thinking alike."

Get ready because it's all revealed here...

When Porter asks David to share a time when he was most disgusted by the actions of his peers in Washington... you won't want to miss his response.

You'll hear him break down the fiscal collapse of America, the destructive role of the Federal Reserve, and where it all fell apart.

Here you will get a completely new perspective on the financial crisis... He understands the intersection of government and market better than anyone in the country, and has a unique analysis on the corruption of America.

Then Porter and Aaron get to their "you just can't make this stuff up" segment, including:

•    Germany doesn't want its gold back.

•    New problems with pension plans

•    How all of Porter's money was taken overnight

And... Don't miss out on this... Porter and Aaron partake in some classic "scumbag" rants.

It's a fantastic show!
