Welcome back to Stansberry Radio.

This week we are doing something a little different.

Recently, Porter Stansberry joined Alex Jones on his Infowars podcast to talk about the current economic conditions in the United States.

We wanted to share this podcast with you because it is full of valuable information that we just could not let you miss out on!

Alex and Porter talk about:

•    The fight for affordable energy.

•    The looting of America by the non-taxpaying upper class.

•    The too big to audit corporations and our future if we continue down this road of globalism.

And... you won't want to miss what Porter has to say about Finra.

Could this mean the end of the market as we know it?

Porter and Alex go through the new regulations that could have a huge impact on the financial world.

Plus, find out what they say about a debt paradigm GM is creating...