This week saw a big Banned and Restricted Announcement for Modern, and so we spend a lot of the news section talking about what effect we think this is going to have on the format, was this set of bannings enough to get Modern out of the funk its been in for a while now? […]

This week saw a big Banned and Restricted Announcement for Modern, and so we spend a lot of the news section talking about what effect we think this is going to have on the format, was this set of bannings enough to get Modern out of the funk its been in for a while now? We talk it over. We also have a look at what decks may be good early in standard based on what we have seen so far.

News: 1:30
Deep dive: 54:30

Intro and Outro Music: Bit Quest by Kevin Macleod
News Theme: NewsSting by Kevin Macleod
Art: Mox Opal by Volkan Baga, Mycosynth Lattice by Anthony S. Waters, Oko, Thief of Crowns by Yongjae Choi.
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