This weekend I discovered the scholarly work of Greg Brew. Greg is historian of oil, U.S. foreign relations, and the modern Middle East and Iran. His work explores the connections between the formation of a global oil economy and much more and he had an amazing twitter thread that went viral which started 

"A few days ago, the big OPEC/Russia meeting ended without a deal to cut production. Now Russia and Saudi, the two biggest exporters, are saying they’re going to maximize production and flood the market.

So why does this matter?"

Listen to our interview for more

I also spoke with CNN's Chief Business Correspondent and co host of Early Start on CNN Christine Romans.  Christine and I discussed the current and potential economic impacts of the pandemic and where we go from here. 

Thanks for listening and if you arent supporting my on Patreon with a paid subscription please do as its probably going to be my main source of income until Live perfromance is safe again. 

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