Summary: Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Keith Dunn and Steven Clare sit down, buried, in front of 2020 Doctor Who episode ‘Fugitive of the Judoon’, and spout our usual nonsense! Ruth is failing to talk about the past, the fam are conveniently scooped out of the main plot and the Doctor’s mind is blown. But […]


Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Keith Dunn and Steven Clare sit down, buried, in front of 2020 Doctor Who episode ‘Fugitive of the Judoon’, and spout our usual nonsense!

Ruth is failing to talk about the past, the fam are conveniently scooped out of the main plot and the Doctor’s mind is blown. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy Fugitive of the Judoon…

Vital Links:

Staggering Stories.
BBC: Doctor Who.
Wikipedia: Fugitive of the Judoon.
BBC: Doctor Who – Fugitive of the Judoon.
Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.