We chat about our love for legendary Australian performer Pamela Rabe, who appeared in Simon Stone’s production of The Cherry Orchard for the MTC which Tyson reviews. We talk about Magnormos‘ production of Stephen Schwartz‘s Pippin, featuring fantastic choreography from Michael Ralph and excellent performances including … Continued

We chat about our love for legendary Australian performer Pamela Rabe, who appeared in Simon Stone’s production of The Cherry Orchard for the MTC which Tyson reviews. We talk about Magnormos‘ production of Stephen Schwartz‘s Pippin, featuring fantastic choreography from Michael Ralph and excellent performances including those by Luigi Lucente, David Spencer, Rohan Browne and Chloe Dallimore. Jelly does a rant about the problematic nature of Pippin, especially that troubling ending!

Additional Notes

Chloe Dallimore performing ‘That Face’ from The Producers. Best sexy lamp ever!

Before you send hate mail, I (Jelly) realise that when discussing Pippin, I neglected to mention that Pippin DOES in fact sing about his decision to stay with Catherine at the end, and expresses some contentment at having settled with her (‘Finale’). However, it’s only a small section of a larger song, rather than a ‘Being Alive’-style cathartic moment, and in this production at least he still seemed utterly desolate about his decision as the two of them slunk offstage. Therefore, my point stands. Put on some pants and cheer up, man!

Hosts: Tyson (@tysonarmstrong) and Jelly (@jellyjellyfish)

File size: 28MB

Duration: 47 minutes

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