Nathan Johnson left a corporate gig to bootstrap an affiliate business to 100,000 users. But to get it any bigger - and profitable - he would have to give up the very thing he left his corporate gig for: freedom. Ouch.

Find out how he changed course to build a different business that DOES let him travel and spend more time with his family, while helping an audience of professional photographers.

Nathan Johnson left a corporate gig to bootstrap an affiliate business to 100,000 users. But to get it any bigger - and profitable - he would have to give up the very thing he left his corporate gig for: freedom. Ouch.

Find out how he changed course to build a different business that DOES let him travel and spend more time with his family, while helping his growing audience of professional photographers.

Links & show notes

Nate's website:
The Film Guides that started it all:
Nate Johnson's Twitter:
Nate Johnson's Instagram:

Additional Episodes, Essays, and more

Stacking the Bricks:
Amy Hoy:
Alex HIllman:

Twitter Mentions