Having studied math and sociology in college, Jacqueline Kincer moved into real estate before later becoming a stockbroker. Now she’s the CEO of Holistic Lactation — a company that provides breastfeeding solutions. While Jacqueline’s journey may not make sense on paper, everything she’s done has contributed to her entrepreneurial success. We open our conversation with Jacqueline by exploring her background and what inspired her to become a lactation teacher. After sharing details about her career, Jacqueline unpacks how the previous roles in her life have added to her sense of purpose. We dive into the lessons that she’s learned and how adversity has built up her confidence. We then discuss how she grew her business while caring for her young kids. Linked to this, Jacqueline opens up about how she redefined her business on her own terms and why embracing her situation as a mother helped her add greater value for her clients. Near the end of the episode, Jacqueline highlights the gifts she experienced in the first year of running her company before leaving listeners with advice on overcoming difficult times. Tune in to hear more of Jacqueline’s insights on building a business.

Key Points From This Episode:

Jacqueline chats about who she is and why she became a teacherExploring Jacqueline’s experience of college and her early careerHow Jacqueline transitioned from real estate into stock brokerageCreating a business based on your passionWhy every step in Jacqueline’s journey was valuable in building her businessHow rejection worked to build up Jacqueline’s confidenceWhat Jacqueline did to learn about the lactation industryGrowing your business while caring for your young kidsHow Jacqueline added greater value for her clients by redefining her business on her own termsJacqueline opens up about the gifts she enjoyed in her first year of businessHear Jacqueline’s advice on dealing with a downturnUsing the pandemic to re-evaluate your life and set yourself up for success


“My love of teaching comes from my first-grade teacher who inspired a love of learning that never died.” — Jacqueline Kincer [0:04:48]

“To me, my journey from stockbroker to stay-at-home-mom to doing lactation made a lot of sense. I learned confidence, how to sell without selling, and how to serve and help people.” — Jacqueline Kincer [0:15:50]

“Entrepreneurship is a humbling journey until you find your strategy and get your momentum going. ” — Cassandra Shuck [0:17:24]

“We have this definition of what someone else’s business is and what works and how we should present ourselves. But that’s not what makes your business. You are what makes your business.” — Cassandra Shuck [0:27:03]

“In my first year of running my business, I learned the skill of doing less. I stopped putting pressure on myself and just did what I could do.” — Jacqueline Kincer [0:29:31]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Cassandra Shuck
Jacqueline Kincer on LinkedIn
Jacqueline Kincer on Instagram
Holistic Lactation
Holistic Lactation Courses
The Breastfeeding Talk Podcast