It’s a different situation when your health is affected. In this episode, we dive in with Julie’s journey with Rheumatoid Arthritis or “RA” as she uses throughout the podcast. But before that, we first did a quick getting-to-know. Wanting to find a little more open space, Julie made a move to Colorado to raise her children where they could be outside all year round. Being in her early 30s, a newly single mom with three young kids Julie was diagnosed with RA in 2004. After learning about her RA diagnosis, she decides the western life seemed fit despite being on 10 medications. She then transitions how the western route was not working and it sparked to her that changing her lifestyle was a need. Dave Asprey was an integral part of her health journey. Do you ever get that feeling that you’re at your best (but not really)? That’s how Julie would feel every time she’d be asked if she was recovered. She doesn’t feel like she’s recovered because today she’d feel her best but six months later she’ll feel that her health is at its best than before. It has taken three years to get Julie to where she is now, pain-free, having her energy back, and no more brain fog. She figured that the root cause of her illness was toxicity which she’s still working on.

As Julie continues with her RA recovery journey, she has also been helping people with autoimmune challenges plus a little extra love for those in the RA community. She works on lifestyle changes with people struggling with autoimmunity specializing in RA. Her passion led her to launch a new program “RA The Right Way” focusing on the 5 pillars: diet, stress management, sleep, movement, and detox. In the podcast, we continue to delve into Julie’s insights on her experience with RA and her other programs. Continue to listen in as we find out more about Julie’s RA story!

Key Points From This Episode:

Diving into Julie’s journey with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)Her transition from only taking meds to changing her lifestyleWhat sparked within her to start her own coaching businessShe talks about her programs that could help people with autoimmunity and with RA


“When you’re in that space you really don’t have a choice, it’s sink or swim. It’s survival at that point.” [0:10:26] -Cassandra Shuck

“So much of the healing journey is listening to your body.” [0:17:55] -Julie Michelson

“The more we grow the more we know what we don’t know.”  [0:18:57] -Julie Michelson

“Everyone at this point who I’ve talked to, I’m talking with is living through something that’s now being stacked against them.” [0:27:24] -Cassandra Shuck

“Your diagnosis doesn’t matter.” [0:28:16] -Julie Michelson

Mentioned links:

Julie Michelson Website 

Julie Michelson Instagram 

Julie Michelson Facebook