When focusing on your own mental health reconnects you to your true calling, our guest for today’s episode experienced an unexpected change in 2018 that led him on a path towards a career change. Eric Almeida on a regular day at his day job suddenly had a panic attack which to him was a sign from his psyche that something needed to shift. Eric shares to Cassandra his story and how random coincidences make up his current life and career trajectory. 

Eric is an EFT practitioner. He is also the founder and CEO of Eric EFT. You might be wondering what EFT is. Well, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a mental health practice in which you tap on acupressure points on the body to calm down the fight, flight, and freeze response a person experiences, also called “tapping.” Eric is an emotional healer focused on helping and guiding his clients towards embracing their true selves. He uniquely accompanies his clients in the process of releasing their past emotional baggage towards self-fulfillment.

Continue listening and hear such an engaging episode full of stories and realizations.

Key Points From This Episode

Hear about the various paths Eric took before becoming an EFT practitionerThe panic attack that put him on the right pathEric explains what surface level issue isWhy Eric prefers EFT compared to other forms of talk therapy Eric’s journey to getting to EFT and helping his clients


“We need to teach resilience, and encourage resilience in all of us regardless of age, that life is hard.” [0:31:38] -Eric Almeida

“We all need to have those inner introspective journeys on our own, and stumble through life until we figure it out.” [0:33:08] -Eric Almeida

“What forced me back onto my path was a panic attack. It was my psyche's way of coming up behind me with a mallet and knocking me on it and dragging me back.” [0:34:15] -Eric Almeida

“Things could happen to be easy and things could line up and things could be synergies and coincidences. Or they could be the fact that you're on your path and you're doing the right next best step.” [0:34:49] -Cassandra Shuck

“Just listen to yourself and listen to the world around you because you will get more than one sign.” [0:36:41] -Eric Almeida

Mentioned links

Eric Almeida

Take A Breather Podcast

Cassandra Shuck