In this podcast episode, Cassandra goes back to a topic she spoke with Liz about last week, and that topic is conscious parenting. She explains that the use of the word conscious parenting would mean that we would need to believe there are unconscious parents, and this has a very negative connotation. 

Cassandra is a firm believer, either positive or negative, all of us are doing the best with what we are given, worked through and healed through. She believes parents can find themselves falling into a rut of repeating the errors of previous life experiences, might those be conscious or unconscious life choices.

We need to dissect our programming and look under the hood. We don’t know any better than what we were taught. It’s how we were set since childhood.

No matter the amount of healing and therapy, even Cassandra has triggers from her childhood that she is still working through with her children. And that’s okay. Reparenting of ourselves through our children is a great way to work through those triggers and pause before reacting.

Come on in. Listen as Cassandra talks about herself and her parenting. Know you’re not alone and there are many other parents just like you.

Key Points:

Working through your own self detachmentParenting is hardChildhood triggers and how they affect us now Where can you exercise getting yourself out of fight or flight?

Tweetable quotes:

“Parenting is f*cking hard. Parenting without a model and without someone who could have taught you some of the right things to do is especially hard.” - Cassandra