“New Year, New You?”  Hardly!  In this podcast Cassandra examines the pitfalls associated with New Year Resolutions along with the longtime struggles people have with little self-motivating energies.  

What is that?  Purpose.  Our energies are derived from our soul’s purpose.  This is why when we ask things of ourselves (such as resolutions) that are not in alignment with our soul’s purpose, we rarely find success in those pursuits.  Many resolutions are made on December 31st with hardly any reflection or preparation.  If a great change within your life is to unfold, it’s probably prudent to begin planning for that change earlier than the night before.

So how does change occur?  Embodiment.  Embodiment is the key to unlocking the transformation puzzle.  It helps with flow, manifestation, and a host of other foundations that help promote meaningful change.  NOT following community-oriented trends that leave us feeling empty and simply “going with the flow” in order to keep up with the Jones.  

Perhaps 2022 shouldn’t be focused on the goal of working out.  Perhaps it would be better spent on mental health.   Maybe this isn’t the year to find that special someone, but rather focus on strengthening what makes you, you.  

Cassandra continues with the podcast by examining how to realistically fulfill one particular popular resolution.  How achieving that goal is something that is realistic, measurable, and provides betterment within her life and a timetable for  stages of success.

Finishing up the podcast, Cassandra teases her 2022 program:  Hustle to Healing.  This is a 5-month program focusing on helping entrepreneurs and professionals alike attain greater awareness of self-understanding and achieving the goals they feel aligned with pursuing.

So tune in!  You might just learn some of the techniques for achieving success in keeping those resolutions.  Here’s to 2022!

Key Points:

How empty the “New Year, New You” mantra actually isThe benefits of self-motivating energiesKeys to unlocking the transformation puzzleHow a soul’s aligned purpose dictates our success or failureCassandra teases her 2022 program:  Hustle To Healing