Show Notes:

In the midst of a challenging divorce, a tragic loss, or a painful cycle of abuse, it can feel like it is impossible to move on. But what if you could use that process of trauma as fuel to reclaim your power and build a life based on liberation and independence? Today’s guest, Nikki Bruno, has done just that and she helps others stage epic comebacks too! Nikki is a life coach, retreat leader, speaker, author, and the Founder of The Epic Comeback, a coaching and mentoring program, podcast, and movement. Through her coaching program, Nikki helps women reclaim their power after being sidelined by divorce, illness, abuse, or loss. She talks about her coaching methodology, how she found her own power, and the importance of building a strong vision. Listeners will also hear about the different types of emotional trauma, and what’s next for The Epic Comeback brand. Tune in today to find out more!

Key Points From This Episode:

The work done at The Epic Comeback: Working with people to find treasure in trauma.Nikki’s business comes straight out of her personal experience with a high-conflict divorce.How a divorce process that lasts a number of years results in a period of extended trauma.How Nikki got her mojo back, came back to coaching, and put 100% into her business.Nikki’s coaching methodology, heavily based on a concept called post-traumatic growth.How robust and regular fitness is the quickest shortcut to an epic comeback.For Nikki, it is all about power, connecting with our experience and what is already within us.The ten-step process of staging an epic comeback: What are the human qualities we need, what pathways do people follow?The idea that it is not only big events that cause trauma – it can be the little things too.Understanding the concepts of clearing, epic vision, taking action, troubleshooting, and finally, epic launch.Nikki explains her sacred relationship with herself, her desire to have an impact, and to be a strong, positive example for her children.Having and building a strong vision helped Nikki navigate through the dark times in her life.Why Nikki tells her clients that she is a coach and not a certified mental-health professional.What is next for The Epic Comeback brand and Nikki Bruno, such as an upcoming book.


“I work with people to find the treasure in their trauma, kick ass in their lives again, and rebuild from life-shattering experiences, including, but not limited to, divorce, illness, a loss, a journey with infertility.” — Nikki Bruno [0:07:05]

“I’m going to put everything that I have into helping women to not just live through something life-shattering like this but to use it as a springboard to build and rebuild a life that is based on being free, liberated, independent, calling the shots in your own house, in your own life, and being an absolute boss.” — Nikki Bruno [0:18:29]

“After you go through a traumatic situation, you can either let it crush you or you can use it as the rocks to build upon.” — Cassandra Shuck [0:17:55]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Nikki Bruno on LinkedIn

Nikki Bruno on Instagram

Nikki Bruno on Facebook

The Epic Comeback

The Epic Comeback Podcast