Coaches can’t coach themselves. With that in mind, we welcome you to another live coaching  episode. Today, host Cassandra Shuck shares her advice with career and executive coach  Tammy Gooler Loeb. Tammy is at a busy point in her career where her attention is split between  coaching, training, speaking, hosting a podcast, and writing a book. With all of these competing  priorities, she’s struggling to organize her schedule. After Tammy outlines her business and how  she’s focusing on building long-term growth, Cassandra advises that she pin-point which  projects scream the loudest to her. Cassandra then gives Tammy the homework of creating an  inventory of her tasks to determine her priorities as they relate to finances, passion, purpose,  and reach. Cassandra also recommends time blocking and using focus apps to minimize distractions and maximize progress. Tune in to learn more about how you can handle your competing priorities.

Key Points From This Episode: 

• Tammy describes her business and highlights that “coaches can’t coach themselves.”
• Outlining Tammy’s many priorities and her challenge organizing her time.
• How Tammy has been focused on long-term goals in building her business. 
• Establishing your priorities by creating an inventory of your business and tasks.
• Grading your tasks by the following categories: Finances, passion, purpose, and reach.
• Time blocking your days so that you can focus on tasks.
• Using apps to manage your focus and shut out the ‘noise’.


“Coaches can’t coach themselves.” — @tammygoolerloeb [0:02:08] 

“Make an inventory of your tasks and grade them by money, passion, purpose, and reach.” —  Cassandra Shuck [0:06:19] 

“All of a sudden there’s a squirrel outside the window or a bright shiny thing and your time gets  swallowed up.” — @tammygoolerloeb [0:10:36] 

“Your context and priorities can change with what you want and need. Or how it is that you need  to nurture your body and your mind and your spirit.” — Cassandra Shuck [0:13:23] 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 

Cassandra Shuck
Sourced Strategy
Tammy Gooler Loeb
Tammy Gooler Loeb Twitter
HBR Ascend 
Cassandra Shuck Resources 

Twitter Mentions