Finding your way through adversity can be a defining moment in your life. Olga Lacroix has experienced many hardships in her life but has proudly conquered them all. Today, she helps others conquer their own battles. In this episode, we sit with Olga to hear her story and find out how she helps her clients. We kick things off with a spot of fun and give Olga a series of rapid-fire questions. Digging a little deeper, she then takes us through her professional history, talking about her stints in social work, and more recently, as a mindset coach. As our conversation continues, Olga explains why she pursued a career in social work, touching on her medical experiences as a child and why it is still considered a miracle that she is alive today. She elaborates and tells us how on her eleventh birthday, she decided she was born to help others. A key theme of today’s episode, we talk about resilience, and ask existential questions about the trait and whether or not people are born with it. This takes us onto the topic of Olga’s childhood in a war-torn country. She tells us about how terrorists kidnapped her 13-year-old brother and subjected him to various tortures. Subsequent to his release, Olga then explains why she and her family fled to Canada. In the latter minutes of the show, we find out from Olga about her transition from social work to mindset coaching, and why a life in law couldn’t have become a reality. To find out more about Olga’s life and incredible work, be sure to listen in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

● Hear about Olga’s professional background.
● Olga tells us about her mission to help people.
● Some of the lessons Olga learned from being a medical miracle.
● Hear Olga’s thoughts on resilience.
● Olga talks about the Colombian conflict and civil war.
● Why Olga and her family had to flee Colombia.
● What convinced Olga to pursue a career in social work over law
● The transition from social work to mindset coaching.
● Hear about the self-doubts Olga had making her transition.
● Some of the types of clients that Olga sees.
● The advice Olga has for people making their own transitions


“After recovering from a coma caused by appendicitis, it was my eleventh birthday and I realized: I’m here to help. Since then I’ve been giving back to my community.” — Olga Lacroix [0:06:52]
“My mom was a pro bono lawyer, so that helped me realize that there is always a way to help people.” — Olga Lacroix [0:08:00]
“When I talk to people about reliance, they have two mindsets: I’m either they’re born with it, or they naturally learn it over a period of time when overcoming something.” — Cassandra Shuck [0:12:15]
“One thing I’ve always done since an early age is self-reflection and journaling. This helped me understand myself better.” — Olga Lacroix [0:15:10]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Cassandra Shuck

Olga Lacroix

Olga Lacroix on Instagram

Journey to Happy Podcast

Nelson Mandela

Wayne Dyer