Today on the Stacked Against Podcast we have a conversation with Michael O’Brien, the “Chief Shift Officer” at Peloton Executive Coaching. Michael elevates successful corporate leaders by preventing bad moments from turning into bad days, and he gets into the details in his book The Last Bad Day Shift. His award-winning book Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows, chronicles his last rock-bottom day, his near-death experience, and the journey to recovery. For him, it’s about transforming from being a doer to being a be-er, and he has shared this philosophy on many renowned platforms, from a TEDx stage to media outlets such as Entrepreneur and Fast Company. In this episode, you will hear how awareness differentiates those who live intentional, fulfilling lives from those caught in the stress of the rat race. Being present in your every day is Michael’s recommendation for creating a life of abundant memories and meaning, and he challenges listeners to exchange unhealthy mindsets for ones that embrace stillness and allow for more time with the people and activities they love. We discuss the repercussions of running low on energy and Michael shares about learning that all events are neutral until we assign a meaning to them. This gives us a greater sense of control and removes the victim mentality that we tend to adopt when traumatic events happen. Join us for this episode to learn more about transforming your life for good! 

Key Points From This Episode:

An explanation of his tagline “Have fun storming the castle” from one of his favorite films. Helping corporate people by teaching them to live with more awareness. Learning that everything in life is neutral until you label it – we give meaning to events. Resilience: the ingredient that separates those who are successful from those who are not. 



“When we run low on fuel, when we run low on energy, we have some of our worst moments, and we tend to take it out on the people we are closest to, who loves us the most.” — @roadieob [0:11:09]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Michael O’Brien on LinkedIn

Micheal O’Brien on Twitter

Peloton Executive Coaching 

My Last Bad Day Shift 

Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows

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