Cor, it's a threeway (ooh-er!); we have Kelly Sue De Connick, Dominic Westerland and Andi Ewington! Kelly Sue's up first, and we discuss the representation of women in comics, Bitch Planet, bearded dragons and loads more besides. Following that we have voice actor and radio personality Dominic, who tries to make me feel better about my Ray Gunn & Starburst audition as well as chatting with us about voice acting and podcasting. Finally, Andi Ewington joins us to pimp his latest work, Overrun, as well as receive heaps of praise from Barry and I for Forty-Five and BlueSpear, plus loads more!

Enjoy! And hand over yer hard earned dollars; it's for a good cause!

Cor, it's a threeway (ooh-er!); we have Kelly Sue De Connick, Dominic Westerland and Andi Ewington! Kelly Sue's up first, and we discuss the representation of women in comics, Bitch Planet, bearded dragons and loads more besides. Following that we have voice actor and radio personality Dominic, who tries to make me feel better about my Ray Gunn & Starburst audition as well as chatting with us about voice acting and podcasting. Finally, Andi Ewington joins us to pimp his latest work, Overrun, as well as receive heaps of praise from Barry and I for Forty-Five and BlueSpear, plus loads more!

Enjoy! And hand over yer hard earned dollars; it's for a good cause!