Meta is down 52% in 2022, and Mark Zuckerberg is bracing his shareholders for more tougher times ahead. He’s shuttering the company’s digital wallet project and announced a slash to engineer hiring; Cleo Capital’s Sarah Kunst says Zuckerberg’s revamped approach to employees could be what investors need. Plus, President Biden might be rolling back Trump-era China tariffs, Germany’s economic data has global investors on edge, July Fourth travelers had little to celebrate at airports this weekend, and Tesla’s EV competition could be catching up to Elon.

In this episode:
Sarah Kunst, @sarahkunst
Joe Kernen, @JoeSquawk
Melissa Lee @MelissaLeeCNBC
Phil LeBeau, @Lebeaucarnews
Eunice Yoon, @onlyyoontv
Katie Kramer, @Kramer_Katie