Over 3,500 passengers and crew are quarantined on a cruise ship off the coast of Japan due to a coronavirus outbreak on board; two of those passengers share details of the vacation they didn’t know they were taking. As the coronavirus concerns mount, the U.S. Senate is holding a roundtable to discuss global pandemics. Dr. Luciana Borio, former Director of Medical and Biodefense Preparedness at the National Security Council, shares her insights on the outbreak before speaking to that panel. New Hampshire is feeling the “Bern” after the state voted in the nation’s first primary of this election cycle, and pollster Frank Luntz says Senator Sanders is one of the “three Bs” who might end up fighting for the soul of the Democratic party. Plus, Theranos’s Elizabeth Holmes is back in the news, and Joe, Becky, and Andrew discuss their Bed Bath & Beyond buys.