This podcast we talk with the absolutely delightful Kendra Bailey ( What do we talk about? Frozen, Dinosaurs, Straight to DVD Disney movies, GALAXY QUEST and Sigorney Weaver’s deal with the devil. OH YA we also talk a little bit about being a badass adaptive athlete all day long, how a trip to ACE hardware can beat a $1000 prosthetic and the A-Team style mentality of designing adaptation devices for power-athletes.

This was one of the MOST FUN podcasts we’ve done so far. Kendra taught us more than we could have hoped about the nuts and bolts of designing gear and adapting training to fit the needs of the individual. Be the most badass version of yourself and if you don’t have the tool, build them through effort, determination or a trip to the hardware store. Concerned you’re not ready to compete or take on that next challenge? Chew on this piece of advice.


“Its not about being the best person there, I just wanna hang out with my friends and doing cool shit.”


-Kendra Bailey