Welcome to Part 2 of the "HAVE YOU MET LEANDA" interview!


In the second half of our talk with The CrossFit Spirit Animal, we talk about:

Working harder as part of a team because you don’t want to let anyone down
Being proud of your hard work
Leanda knows more about KONG FEST than I do, because she’s everywhere at all times
Why people are lifting stones long and NO D-Balls are not the same thing
How you can actually SAVE money on seminars by going to the CrossFit Games
Why we all want the Games to be in February (But it’ll probably never happen)
The biggest douche bag at the CrossFit Games and politely suggest he commit suicide 
How Golden Tickets recreated Dawn of The Dead
(A 20 minute chunk in which we don’t talk about ANYTHING related to fitness)
Turning my nose up at REDBOX. COME ON! ITS 2015 PEOPLE!!! 
Seeing the birth AND death of blockbuster
How Leanda and her husband have figured out the secret to a good marriage is acting like pre-schoolers 
The connection between evolving attitudes towards women’s fitness and how that translates to forward military operations
Why neither of us can handle PORTLANDIA because it hits too close to home
Leanda tells Zack Forrest he’s not getting a god damn KILLCLIFF 
The watermelon farm CrossFit Fury (Ya?... I know right?)
Learning Ballet in a CrossFit gym, which I 100% want to do and is WAY MORE valuable than people think.
Why opening a gym to “MAKE MONEY” is a recipe for failure    
Reliving the 80s and 90s
How The Star Wars Movies have become like a HOT/CRAZY Girlfriend