Occasionally we get to do something important on this show, this is one of those weeks. We’ll be talking with the founders of WOUNDED WODDERS (http://www.woundedwodders.org/) Travis McQuade and Daniel Neild. As anyone in the CrossFit community knows the contribution the sport has made to law enforcement, fire departments and soldiers training at home and downrange is immeasurable, but what about those coming back from deployment?

Travis and I are former training partners and had an unexpected reunion at Chipotle (is there nothing a chipotle quesarito can’t do?).

We’ll discuss Travis’ and Dan’s deployments, the aftermath and how they saw a need an filled it by providing a way for CrossFit Boxes, the community and wounded vets to come together to the benefit of everyone.

I’m very grateful these gentlemen took the time to talk with us as they help warriors find their way back from the physical and mental setback of working with a highly motivated soldier dealing with the setbacks of injury, opioids and the depression that comes with coming back from war. This is easily one of the most important shows I’ve done and I can’t thank Wounded Wodders enough for sharing their stories and doing what they do.

Please visit: http://www.woundedwodders.org


And learn how we can help each other, expand the community and “CHARLIE MIKE TO RECOVERY"