Next Episode: 23 Taylar Stallings

No offense to our previous guests, but Michelle Tam has officially won the award for MOST ADORABLE GUEST IN SQUATS AND ESPRESSO HISTORY! For years now

 has been the go to source for paleo practitioners as well as “clean-eating” cooks and bacon aficionados (seriously, bacon comes up alot). She is snarky, knowledgable, charming, hilarious, highly educated and our new bestie. Hear about her past as a Franken-Food Scientist, P90X, her journey into the world of paleo, her career as a Drug-Dealer, how the blog started, LOVING FOOD, and what it takes to become your own action figure.

Her book Nom Nom Paleo: Food for humans is the ONLY cookbook I’ve actually laughed out loud reading (for all the right reasons) it’s, engaging, easy to follow and completely adorkable (there are butt jokes).Ever wanted to make your own Sriracha? Want to know the perfect way to cook a side of bacon? Want the perfect deviled egg? This book lays it out in fun, easy to understand, straight forward recipes and instructions. 

WARNING: We get playfully racist on this podcast.