This week we have Scott Porter, Pro STRONGMAN, owner of SPARTAN CrossFit and the mind behind of THE IRON FITNESS GAMES. We had a great session talking about the difference between STRONGMAN and CrossFit using strongman style movements. Scott created the IRON FITNESS GAMES as a venue for people you might call “inbetweeners”, those too heavy biased for the CrossFit Open, but not a living giant designed for STRONGMAN. We talk about his past as a pro STRONGMAN, why the hardest thing about competing in China was the food and recovering from injuries. We also discuss at length, the benefits of sports crossing over and how more butts in the gym means more money, opportunities and gear for everybody. Plus we get into The IRON FITNESS GAMES and the emergence of Hybrid Strongman/CrossFit events,why it’s better for everyone when we start teaching our passions to the world instead of holding onto that outdated “UNDERGROUND” mentality.


The next IRON FITNESS GAMES is coming, get more info here:


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