We talked to the founder of Lift Big Eat Big: Brandon Morrison. This one of the most fun podcasts we’ve had. Brandon was a delight and really gave us some new insights into the sport of STRONGMAN, building real strength and how CrossFit and specialization don’t need to be mutually exclusive.

We COULD give a quick synopsis, but we frankly talk about too much damn stuff, so here’s a bullet list.

Why Brandon Morrison doesn’t like being called “Bro”.
What he really means when he calls you “Chief”.
How Derek watches “Biggest Loser” for all the wrong reason.
Why we all hate running and why it’s bad news for power athletes.
Why a strict Paleo or Low-Carb diet may not be your path to ultimate fitness.
Brandon and I disagreeing about the existence of zombies.
The difference between training for STRONGMAN and training for CrossFit with Strongman events.
The joy of being called “obese” and “skinny” in the same day.
Why protein shakes ata  competition are pointless.
The psychology of being destroyed by your workouts. (and why it may be ruining your progress)
Discussions about why “The Hound” would make a good drinking buddy, but you should be training to be “The Mountain”.
Why the spartans were assholes. (and slave-owners and kid-touchers)
Are “Hybrid” and “Light weight” strongman events expanding or diluting the sport?
Overcoming the “good ol’ boys” mentality of fringe sports and getting past the “back in the old days” bullshit.
Creating an entry point for smaller athletes, because not all of us can lift 400lbs on our first day in the gym.
The way the sport of fitness changes as you get heavier.
What it means to be the “Little Buddy Helper” in the gym.
The openness of CrossFitters and why that can be their greatest strength and greatest weakness.
A series of dares or physical challenges are not the same as programming.
The official end of bacon and leg day jokes.
Eating 52 eggs and White Russians as a hangover cure.
Eating until you fall asleep.
Why the rounded-back dead lift may actually save your spine.
Stupid people on comment threads (so, MOST of them).
Shaking the tree of your own community to see how many idiots fall out.
and… Not pooping.