Phew!! At 3.5 hours this was our longest show ever, but time absolutely flies when we’re talking with our dear friend Troels Pleimert. Troels, Bianca, and Brian are all hobbyist game developers with more ideas than finished products, so this week we talk about games we’ve conceptualized or started but never finished. The song at […]

Phew!! At 3.5 hours this was our longest show ever, but time absolutely flies when we’re talking with our dear friend Troels Pleimert. Troels, Bianca, and Brian are all hobbyist game developers with more ideas than finished products, so this week we talk about games we’ve conceptualized or started but never finished.

The song at the end of this week’s episode is Com Win by Taku Iwasaki from the SNES game Aerobiz.

Show notes

Troels’s YouTube channel
Open Crowd Source podcast
Troels’s “Alchemy” music
Space Quest 7 fan soundtrack by Troels
LGR Plays – Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (with Pushing Up Roses)
PC Gamer Steam Controller review
Hardcore – unreleased game by DICE
BSD plays: Blackout
Kickstarter page for Demetrios – The BIG Cynical Adventure
Digital: A Love Story by Christine Love
IMDB page for Pontypool
Game Audio Podcast
The Thing Adventure Game design doc
The Thing Adventure Game flowchart



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