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Teaching Guide – Pesticides and Bees

Topic: Pesticides and Bees

Host: Bailey Lugo

Guests: Nathaniel Jennette / Brent Brewer


Understand what type of chemical      pesticides are less harmful to bee colonies
Be familiar with the different practices involved in pest      management
Recognize the importance of bees to our      world

Question for teacher to ask students before podcast:

What risks do you think pesticides pose to bees?
Are there other forms of pest management      that don’t involve chemicals?
Why are bees important to our livelihood?

Questions for teacher to ask students after podcast:

What were a few of the other methods of      pest prevention
What was the application method that      reduced overall bee death
Were granular or mist      applications more harmful to bee populations?

Podcast Prompts for Students To Follow Along During Podcast

- What effect do bt genetically modified crops have on specific insects?

- What would be a few effects of losing a large portion of our bee population?

- What is an example of biological control and how does it operate?