Host: Richie Lowery
Guests: Lily Pruitt West/Haley Cheatem
Issue: Nationwide Licensure for Agriculture Education Teachers

The topic of a nationwide licensure for agriculture education teachers was the issue discussed at The Farm Bureau discussion meet in 2021. As with most things in agriculture, there would be advantages and challenges associated with this implementation. As we strive to move forward into a brighter future of agriculture, it is important to understand how this could affect future generations for not only agriculture educators, but as well as the students they teach. This episode is not meant to influence or persuade an individual's opinion on the subject, but rather allow them to form their own opinion through viewing both sides. Also, this episode can serve as an activity for classroom engagement. Below are objectives that could be implemented when having students listen to this podcast.


1. Analyze and evaluate information discussed throughout the podcast and compare both advantages and challenges with implementing a nationwide licensure for agriculture educators.

2. Create a T Chart to distinguish between prior knowledge and knowledge gained after listening to the podcast.

3. Collaborate with the other students using effective problem-solving skills to provide a solution to the controversial issue.

Pre-Viewing Questions:

1. What is a nationwide teacher licensure?

2. How is an agriculture licensure different from other content area?

3. Would this implementation be an overall advantage or disadvantage to both educators and students?

Guided Questions to follow along:

1. What would a nationwide teacher licensure for agriculture teachers mean in terms of curriculum?

2. What would this licensure mean for military families and teachers who would like to travel?

3. How would this licensure affect future generations as they integrate into the workforce?

Post Viewing questions:

1. Has your opinion on the subject matter changed after listening to this podcast?

2. What is your stance on the issue?

3. Have you ever considered a future in agriculture education?