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Topic: Foie Gras

Host: Jordan Komers

Guest 1: Rebecca Williams & Guest 2: Kevin Jones

Description: Foie gras or “fatty liver” is a delicacy made from the fattened liver of ducks or geese. It is highly regarded for its rich, buttery flavor and smooth texture, often considered gourmet food. However, behind its culinary allure lies a deep-rooted controversy that has divided food enthusiasts, animal rights activists, and chefs alike. 


I can describe the gavage process in foie gras production. (Understand)

I can contrast the perspectives and arguments presented by Rebecca Williams and Kevin Jones. (Analyze)

I can defend my own informed opinion on foie gras in a respectful discussion. (Evaluating) 

Pre-Viewing Questions:

What do you already know about foie gras?

What are your initial thoughts or opinions on the production and consumption of foie gras?

Are you aware of any regulations or bans on foie gras in certain regions or countries? If so, which ones?

Guided Questions:

What are the key aspects or main points of focus in the controversy surrounding foie gras?

How do farms reduce stress and discomfort during the feeding process?  

What is the mixture of feed that is deposited into the ducks’ stomach during the gavage process? 

What effect does overfeeding have on the birds?

What can occur due to constant reinsertion of a feeding tube into the bird's esophagus?

What are the two alternative production methods?

Post-Listening Questions:

 Describe the gavage process in foie gras production. How does it contribute to the controversy surrounding foie gras? (Obj. 1) 

Contrast  the perspectives and arguments presented by Rebecca Williams and Kevin Jones regarding foie gras. What were the main points of difference between their viewpoints? (Obj. 2)

Reflecting on the ethical concerns raised, would you support or oppose a ban on foie gras production? Why or why not? (Obj. 3)  

Scoring Rubric for Post-Listening Questions

Question 1, Objective 1:

Level 1 - The response does not accurately describe the gavage process or fails to address its controversy. It lacks clarity and limited understanding.

Level 2 -  The response provides a basic description of the gavage process and acknowledges its controversial nature. It demonstrates a moderate understanding but lacks depth and elaboration.

Level 3- The response offers a thorough and insightful description of the gavage process, highlighting its ethical concerns and impact on the controversy. It demonstrates a comprehensive understanding with clear and detailed explanations. 

Questions 2, Objective 2:

Level 1 - The response fails to contrast the perspectives and arguments of Rebecca Williams and Kevin Jones or provides incomplete or inaccurate information.

Level 2 - The response identifies some differences in viewpoints and presents a basic understanding of their arguments. It demonstrates a moderate level of analysis.

Level 3 - The response provides a comprehensive and nuanced analysis, identifying differences and presenting a thorough understanding of the arguments presented by both guests. It demonstrates critical thinking and clear explanations.

Questions 3, Objective 3:

Level 1 - The response does not clearly state a position on supporting or opposing a ban on foie gras, or lacks reasoning and justification. It may show a lack of understanding of the ethical concerns and arguments surrounding foie gras.

Level 2 - The response presents a stance on supporting or opposing a ban on foie gras, but the reasoning and justification may be limited or lack clarity. It demonstrates some understanding of the ethical concerns and arguments, but the analysis may be superficial.

Level 3 - The response clearly articulates a well-supported position on supporting or opposing a ban on foie gras. It provides thoughtful reasoning and justification, drawing from a comprehensive understanding of the ethical concerns and arguments. The response may consider counterarguments and address them effectively.