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Teaching Guide

Topic: Controversy Surrounding Fish Farming

Host: Jasmin Angel

Guests: (1) Steven Hedlund: Global Seafood Alliance and (2) Paul Chiyokten Wagner, founder of the Protectors of the Salish Sea. 

Description: Fish farming is the breeding, raising, and harvesting of fish. It is a form of aquaculture and the fastest growing area of animal food production today. As we continue to navigate these waters, we dive into the potential positives and negatives of this form of agriculture.


I can explain what fish farming is in my own words.  (Level 2, Understand)

I can compare the two different types of fish farms. (Level 4, Analyze)

I can develop my own opinion on fish farms based on facts given in the podcast. (Level 6, create) 

Pre-Viewing Questions:

What is your current opinion on the farming of animals?

Do you think fish farming is similar to cow farming?

Why do you think fish farming could be controversial? 

Guided Questions:

What are some different kinds of animals involved in aquaculture?

Where do we get most of the fish we eat in the United States?

 Does aquaculture help combat overfishing?

What is one reason Mr. Chiyokten gives on why net pens in Washington were hurting the environment?

What kind of effect do the net pen farms have on the indigenous peoples?

What is the organization that Mr. Chiyokten founded?

Post-Listening Questions:

After listening to the podcast, in your own words, explain what fish farming is. (Obj. 1)

Compare net pen fish farms with inland fish farms. Which one do you think is better for the environment? (Obj. 2)

After listening, what is your opinion on fish farming? Explain. (Obj. 3) 

Scoring Rubric for Post-Listening Questions

Question 1, Objective 1:

Level 1 - The response given does not go into detail and does not demonstrate an understanding of fish farming.

Level 2 - The response given goes into some detail and demonstrates somewhat of an understanding about what fish farming is.

Level 3 -The response given goes into great detail and demonstrates a complete and total understanding about what fish farming is.

Question 2, Objective 2:

Level 1 - The response lacks details in comparison. The student does not state their opinion on the two different types at all. 

Level 2 - The response contains little details when comparing. The student gives their opinion on the two different types of fish farming, but does not give reasons. 

Level 3 - The response contains major details when comparing. The student gives their opinion on the two different types of fish farming and goes into detail. The student also uses some information from the podcast in their answer.

Question 3, Objective 3:

Level 1 - The student does not give their opinion on fish farming at all and does not give reasoning. 

Level 2 - The student gives their opinion on fish farming but does not give reasoning.

Level 3 - The students gives their opinion on fish farming and they also give  reasons why they feel that way.