If you have set goals in the past, but haven't ACHIEVED those goals yet then this is an episode you must listen to. It is time to set goals a NEW way. To set goals that work with your brain and not against it.

Your brain is wired to keep you safe. So when you set goals it can often feel exciting at first but then your brain senses a threat with all the change you try to implement at once. Once the hype of planning the goals is over we find ourselves simply falling back into old patterns. But there is a better way to set goals to prevent this. In this quick episode we will discuss 3 things you can do to set goals in a better way. 

And if you want to know MORE about setting goals and using the power of your brain to reach those goals this year come to my 3 day LIVE Goal Setting Workshop. 


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Goal Setting Workshop

Live via ZOOM on January 16th, 17th, and 18th at 1pm CST. 

Is there a goal that you have set many times, but can't seem to achieve? This is common and it is not your fault. Learn how to set and GET your goals in 2024 with a new approach that works! In this workshop we will unpack how to use brain science techniques partnered with the power of the Holy Spirit to breakthrough the barriers that have held you back in the past from reaching your goals. This 3 day workshop will empower you to KNOW what you want to accomplish this year and have a clear path to walk it out. This is your BREAKTHROUGH year. It is time to get your hopes up again and reach those goals. Let's do this!”

Come live for only $10. Not sure you can make it live? Upgrade for only $27 more to get access to all the replays. 


REGISTER HERE for the Goal Setting Workshop