2017 Sprott Vancouver Natural Resource Symposium

James Rickards is the bestselling author of Currency Wars, The Death of Money, The New Case for Gold, and the Road to Ruin. Last year, he predicted the Trump victory when very few saw it coming. Now he sees a trade war with China and a shooting war with N. Korea.

Visit http://sprottconference.com to download an audio recording of James' Vancouver speech (purchase required).

Tweet @albertklu @jamesgrickards

About the guest

James Rickards (@JamesGRickards) is a New York Times Bestselling author and the chief global strategist at Meraglim, Inc.

About the host Albert Lu (@AlbertKLu) is the President & CEO of Sprott US Media and an Investment Adviser Representative with Sprott Asset Management USA in Carlsbad, California. Contact him via: Twitter @AlbertKLu Web at http://sprottmedia.com


http://meraglim.com - James' company

http://sprottUSA.com - Info on the webcast http://sprottconference.com - Purchase the MP3 of James' keynote speech here