James Rickards is the bestselling author of Currency Wars, The Death of Money, The New Case for Gold, and The Road to Ruin.

Interview Highlights

[0:55] Update on N. Korea -- A war is not priced into the market. Is it a real possibility?

[8:05] How important is the language coming out of the White House?

[12:05] Is Jerome Powell a surprise choice for Fed Chairman?

[20:30] Will Powell be 'innovative' with policy?

[24:00] Are bond yields providing a good signal to investors?

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About the guest

James Rickards (@JamesGRickards) is a New York Times Bestselling author and the chief global strategist at Meraglim, Inc.

About the host

Albert Lu (@AlbertKLu) is the President & CEO of Sprott US Media and an Investment Adviser Representative with Sprott Asset Management USA in Carlsbad, California.

Contact him via: Twitter @AlbertKLu Web at http://sprottmedia.com


http://meraglim.com - James' company

http://sprottUSA.com - Info on the webcast
