In this Sprocket Talk video, we are going to talk about solving vs selling when it comes to your 1-to-1 personalized videos.

Hopefully, you know the importance of building a closer relationship with your prospects, leads, and customers.

By combining expertise, convenience, and practical know-how, you can quickly become their go-to person for advice.

They will come to you over and over again because you are a problem solver vs a product or service seller.

Why, because they know, like, and trust you.

The fun part about this 1-to1 personalized video tip is that the more you solve the more they want to buy.

Therefore you end up selling more in the long run.

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At Sprocket Talk, our mission is to help you navigate the HubSpot tool. We will help you get 100% ROI across the Marketing Hub, the Sales Hub, the Service Hub and yes, even the HubSpot CMS. Our videos will educate AND entertain.