Next Episode: S01E02

New Business: Hello...Welcome to our new podcast. As this is show one we ease ourselves gently in, letting you know who we are and such. We will be reviewing podcasts, films, TV along with loads of other stuff from chat about our favourite comedians and short skits to longer stories and an advice column [...]

New Business:

Hello…Welcome to our new podcast. As this is show one we ease ourselves gently in, letting you know who we are and such.

We will be reviewing podcasts, films, TV along with loads of other stuff from chat about our favourite comedians and short skits to longer stories and an advice column (we have lots of segment ideas for the upcoming shows.)

Springs (Tamara) is Canadian and Mr. Geek (Maf) is a Brit and we both consume entertainment from The States. This is our take on it.

Podcasts This Show:
Mr Geek

Film Sack

Trawling the depths of film entertainment for all mankind.


The Nerdist

This podcast is Chris Hardwick talking about stuff and things with his two nerdy friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira, and usually someone more famous than all of them. Occasionally they swear because that is fun.

.fusion-fullwidth.fusion-builder-row-1 { overflow:visible; }We’d love to get your questions so you can either email them to [email protected] or find us on Facebook