Top Ten Lessons from Dr. Hazel Berrard Amuah - #HazelQUOTES

Appreciating Diverse Exposures. My working foundations especially my leadership, discipline and competences were forged in various ways by the different places where I worked.Adaptation. Assimilation into a new industry sometimes requires taking a new course. I took a bet with my boss at Old Mutual and completed both the diploma and advanced diploma in record time to become a Chartered Insurer.Ownership. Guinness was about celebrating life, rewarding experience and taking full ownership of your function. It was fun working in a happy environment while delivering on your KPIs.Balance Sheet. Before you see any place where you’ve worked as problematic, draw a balance sheet of your opportunities versus your regrets, and you could get a different perspective.Volunteering. Develop a keen interest in taking on projects, especially in cross functional opportunities. Opportunities often come disguised in unfamiliar clothes but they stretch you and create networks and visibility.The Power of Apology. Saying sorry disarms both yourself and the person you’ve offended. It is a powerful tool for settling issues quickly.The Golden Triangle. Not all women are successfully able to navigate marriage, career and children. I got divorced, but I learnt so much from it and celebrate my female colleagues who have kept it all together.Engaging People. Be bold but respectful in dealing with people. Maintain eye contact when communicating verbally. Corporate interviews are often not looking at technical competence but at soft skills.Executive Grooming. There are ‘disqualifiers’ in your quest to advance you career. Seemingly insignificant things like halitosis, table manners, grooming, appearance and other hygiene-related issues can easily stand in your way.Influence Peddling. There are people who will try to influence, pressurize, threaten or even bribe you to employ or promote their protégés. But you must stand your ground, do what is right and hold fast to your values.