Spreaker Live Show #46 for Feb 17th, 2016

Our Topic is Faith-Based Podcasting and are Church Podcasts Replacing Church attendance in this episode. Religion themed podcasts have the largest number of shows today in podcasting. In this episode we discuss the National Religious Broadcaster's Proclaim16 Convention (NRBConvention.com) Feb 22-26, 20016 in Nashville with guest Dr. Jerry Johnson, President and CEO | National Religious Broadcasters (NRB.org)

Show Duration: 25 minutes

Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Content, Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)spreaker(docom)

Show Guest: Dr. Jerry Johnson, President and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters (NRB.org)

is Dr. Jerry A. Johnson is President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB.org) located in the Washington, DC. NRB is an international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of viewers, listeners and readers worldwide. The mission of the NRB is to advance biblical truth, to promote media excellence, and to defend free speech.

Show Guest Topics:
- Has digital media changed how Christians worship these days with the rapid growth of Internet and smartphones? Has it increased access to faith-based traditions?
- Is Podcasting a way to reach and connect to a more Virtual Church Full Church Sermon experience? Is it the future?
- Should churches go beyond just recording sermons for their podcasts to connect with younger podcast listeners?
- Do you see church podcasts being more important to local churches or are you seeing more of a national/global focus? Large church leaders have been embracing podcasting (Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley)
- Hear all about National Religious Broadcasters Proclaim16 Convention in Nashville next week? Attendance? Expo? Focus of the Event? Themes? Dates?
- How should Christian Radio stations embrace podcasting?

Show Guest Links:

Spreaker Links:
Video Demo of Spreaker Podcast Radio App: http://youtu.be/YZ3JddcxQjA

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Twitter: http://twitter.com/robgreenlee
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Rob Greenlee: Rob at Spreaker.com

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