Welcome to Episode 24 - Book Review – Breathtaking by Courtney Turcotte Bond (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/24)
Breathtaking is Courtney Turcotte Bond's debut release. _Breathtaking _is a heart-wrenching coming-of-age story that fans of John Green and Nicholas Sparks will love. Here's the book blurb....To the outside world, Cara’s life seems perfect. The only one who knows the dark secrets inside her home is her best friend and next-door neighbor, Adam. Cara’s only escape is by writing and sharing her stories with him through their facing bedroom windows late at night. Just when everything seems to get better, Cara’s world shatters, causing her to spiral into a deep depression and writer’s block. Even though Adam promises her “everything will be okay,” she knows things will never be the same. As she clutches to the fractured wounds of the past, how will Cara ever be able to love or write again?
Join the Spotlighting the Indie Author crew as they review this debut novel. Along with Joseph Clay's (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/josephclay) and Nina Turnipseed's (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/ninaturnipseed) review, we will also get Kelli Winkler's (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/kelliwinkler) and Christy Warren's (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/christywarren) thoughts on Breathtaking,
The Book - Breathtaking
Paperback on Amazon (https://amzn.to/379W21i)
eBook on Amazon (https://amzn.to/3pazxiU)
Breathtaking by Courtney Turcotte Bond can be found on all major online book retailers and local bookstores.
The Author - Courtney Turcotte Bond
Website (https://courtneyturcottebond.com/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/courtneyturcottebond/)
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/courtneyturcottebond)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/courtney_t_bond)
Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20522604.Courtney_Turcotte_Bond)
Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Courtney-Turcotte-Bond/e/B08CY78CJ9?)
Blog - All the Everythings (https://alltheeverythings.com/)
Candles and Poems - Pyr and Wit (https://www.etsy.com/shop/PyrAndWitCandles)
Websites and Podcast Mentioned in Today's Show
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (https://www.cff.org/)
Organ Donor Dot Gov (https://www.organdonor.gov/register.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA962BBhCzARIsAIpWEL3R4loyJKALd3mBIq_FVUapWQ6VugvS2PWFMVLPla5mO3wFpoF4F6gaAnmYEALw_wcB)
ThunderHorse Publishing (https://thunderhorsepublishing.com/thps-recommended-reading-list/)
Spotlighting the Indie Author Contact Info and Podcast Links
Email: [email protected]
Snail Mail Correspondence: Joseph E Clay Dot Com - 242 West Main Street #224, Hendersonville, TN. 37075
Phone: +1 (615) 750-5987
Skype: +1 (615) 208-7784
MeWe (https://mewe.com/p/spotlightingtheindieauthor)
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SpotlightingTheIndieAuthor/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/spotlightingtheindieauthor)
Spotlighting the Indie Author (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/) is hosted by Fireside
Spotlighting the Indie Author Show Schedule (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/showschedule)
Spotlighting the Indie Author Blog (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/articles)
Spotlighting the Indie Author Blog - Podcast Notes Episode 23 (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/articles/175-05-21)
Official Blog of Joesph E Clay Dot Com (https://jec-blog.com/)
Voices heard on Episode 24:
Host: Joseph Clay (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/josephclay)
Co-Host: Nina Turnipseed (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/ninaturnipseed)
Announcer: Kelli Winkler (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/kelliwinkler)
Contributing Host: Christy Warren (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/hosts/christywarren)
Specil Guest: Courtney Turcotte Bond (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/guests/courtneyturcottebond)
We Need Your Help
Our services are free to all, we cover all expenses. We have enlisted the listeners to help us offset some of the cost of the podcast and magazine. If you enjoy the show, have been a guest on the show or had your worked featured or just believe in what we are doing, help us out. A donation of any amount through PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A5NR829TCR6JN&source=url) would be great and help with hosting fees and paying the bills.
For other ways to help visit our Affiliates/Sponsors (https://www.spotlightingtheindieauthor.com/affiliates) Page
This was episode #24, a 2021 production of Spotlighting the Indie Author, a Joseph E Clay Dot Com Podcast.
Special Guest: Christy Warren.

Welcome to Episode 24 - Book Review – Breathtaking by Courtney Turcotte Bond

Breathtaking is Courtney Turcotte Bond's debut release. _Breathtaking _is a heart-wrenching coming-of-age story that fans of John Green and Nicholas Sparks will love. Here's the book blurb....To the outside world, Cara’s life seems perfect. The only one who knows the dark secrets inside her home is her best friend and next-door neighbor, Adam. Cara’s only escape is by writing and sharing her stories with him through their facing bedroom windows late at night. Just when everything seems to get better, Cara’s world shatters, causing her to spiral into a deep depression and writer’s block. Even though Adam promises her “everything will be okay,” she knows things will never be the same. As she clutches to the fractured wounds of the past, how will Cara ever be able to love or write again?

Join the Spotlighting the Indie Author crew as they review this debut novel. Along with Joseph Clay's and Nina Turnipseed's review, we will also get Kelli Winkler's and Christy Warren's thoughts on Breathtaking,

The Book - Breathtaking

Paperback on Amazon
eBook on Amazon

Breathtaking by Courtney Turcotte Bond can be found on all major online book retailers and local bookstores.

The Author - Courtney Turcotte Bond

Blog - All the Everythings
Candles and Poems - Pyr and Wit

Websites and Podcast Mentioned in Today's Show

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Organ Donor Dot Gov
ThunderHorse Publishing

Spotlighting the Indie Author Contact Info and Podcast Links

Email: [email protected]
Snail Mail Correspondence: Joseph E Clay Dot Com - 242 West Main Street #224, Hendersonville, TN. 37075
Phone: +1 (615) 750-5987
Skype: +1 (615) 208-7784
Spotlighting the Indie Author is hosted by Fireside
Spotlighting the Indie Author Show Schedule
Spotlighting the Indie Author Blog
Spotlighting the Indie Author Blog - Podcast Notes Episode 23
Official Blog of Joesph E Clay Dot Com

Voices heard on Episode 24:

Host: Joseph Clay
Co-Host: Nina Turnipseed
Announcer: Kelli Winkler
Contributing Host: Christy Warren
Specil Guest: Courtney Turcotte Bond

We Need Your Help

Our services are free to all, we cover all expenses. We have enlisted the listeners to help us offset some of the cost of the podcast and magazine. If you enjoy the show, have been a guest on the show or had your worked featured or just believe in what we are doing, help us out. A donation of any amount through PayPal would be great and help with hosting fees and paying the bills.

For other ways to help visit our Affiliates/Sponsors Page

This was episode #24, a 2021 production of Spotlighting the Indie Author, a Joseph E Clay Dot Com Podcast.

Special Guest: Christy Warren.

Support Spotlighting the Indie Author

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