Deciding to homeschool can be met with so many unknowns and insecurities. You may ask yourself questions like: What if my homeschooled kid can’t get into college? Or What if there are gaps in their education? Does my homeschool need to be accredited? Or I’m not qualified to homeschool advanced math or latin. Or What about socialization? Will my child have any friends if I decide to homeschool them and  have access to extracurricular activities? So many misconceptions crop up when you consider homeschooling. Listen in and let’s deconstruct some of these myths and set the record straight. This episode will leave you feeling confident in your decision to homeschool. 

For more helpful tips, download the free pdf “10 Tips To Begin Homeschooling Now”  which will save you hours of time researching the answers to these questions and more. This is the place to get your homeschool parenting questions answered.